TW Construction Hoist -- Personnel and Material Hoist
| Features make our hoist... | |
| SAFETY LANDING DOORS are both mechanically and electronically tied into the hoist. This functionality assures that the SAFETY LANDING DOORS will not open unless the hoist is at the stop. This prevents the numerous falls and tragic accidents associated with open landing doors and poorly fabricated, site-built landing doors. | Safety Landing Doors |
Overload Protection The OVERLOAD PROTECTION DEVICE eliminates any operator guesswork and, as a result, greatly reduces expensive service calls, down time, and damage to the hoist. | | The hoist features ELECTRO-MAGNETIC BRAKES for maximum safety. Each device is tested and serialized before being put into service. | The GROUND ENCLOSURE is built of heavy-duty steel with the overhead access door interlocked both mechanically and electronically to the hoist. The enclosure prevents entry at ground level until the hoist has returned to the ground. This safety feature protects the occupants and ground personnel. | Steel Ground Enclosure |
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| Features make our hoist... | |
| Over-sized car (10ft 6 in x 4ft 11 in) allows you to load 10-foot sheets of drywall with room to spare. 3rd door on the side (10 ft wide) for even greater flexibility and easy loading in tight job site conditions. Sturdy aluminum side panels help protect care against damage and the contractor against claims. The car has anti-slip, water resistant, steel flooring with a patterned surface for additional occupant safety. Cars have clear Lexan windows instead of wire mesh which protects occupants from debris, dust and weather--yet still provides excellent visibility. | |
| Three motors provide direct drive instead of a counter weight system. Direct drive enables smooth operation and quicker and less expensive hoist climbing. Optional heat and air conditioning for occupant comfort and protection against the elements. Optional Automatic Rack Lubrication device drastically reduces required operator maintenance. Long life bearings reduce service calls. Most components of the hoist are either hot zinc dipped galvanized, tread plate aluminum or coated with a special three process industrial paint finish. |
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| Features make our hoist... | |
| OVERLOAD PROTECTION DEVICE, featuring a digital read out and color coded stop lights for the operator. Eliminates miscalculations and accidental overloading of the hoist by the operator. |
| EASILY ADJUSTABLE WALL TIE SYSTEM allows for greater flexibility and quicker, easier and less costly wall tie installation. |
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| Features make our hoist... | |
| 3rd door open(side door) |
The large 3rd door can accept pallet size loads directly from a front-end loader, saving time and labor costs. This side door offers greater flexibility and easy loading in tight job-site conditions. | Next Stop controls automatically stop the car at the exact landing height of the next floor. This feature eliminates the common problem with old-style hoist cars of a dangerous jerking and surging motion, resulting from the operator's attempts to manually level the car to the landing floor height. The easy to operate Joy Stick controls with the Next Stop feature make a first day operator perform like an old pro. |
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